February 23, 2021

Top 5 Wednesday: They Keep Telling Me Not To...

Hey there bookworms,

today's T5W topic is about the books on my tbr with the most beautiful covers. They keep telling us readers not to judge a book by its cover, but let's be honest, sometimes we can't stop doing it. T5W is a weekly book blogging meme currently hosted by Alex (The Scribe Owl) in the official goodreads group!

I checked my physical tbr first for this prompt and couldn't find any super beautiful covers among these books - believe it or not, I actually rarely buy books solely based on their covers. So the books listed in this post are on my goodreads tbr, and I don't know if I'll buy them one day or just get them from the library.

1. Muse Of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

I'm a hugeee fan of the UK cover pictured above, but I don't like the US one.

2. Crier's War by Nina Varela

 I love everything about this: the coloring, the layout, the details... this is a real beauty!

3. The Kingdom of Back by Marie Lu

 Yes, I have a (cover) type, and it's intricate details...

4. Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar

I'm not even that interested in this one anymore, but I can't deny the cover is the definition of gorgeous, even though I'm usually not a huge fan of persons on covers!

5. Die Schöpfer der Wolken by Marie Grasshoff (German)

I just love the colors, okay? The title translates to "The Creator of the Clouds".

Bonus: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 by Becky Cloonan

I just love the art. Diana looks so ready to kick some ass, and the slight pink glow of the font is so cool!

Honestly, this was harder than I thought. I deleted some books from my goodreads tbr shelf not too long ago, and like I said, I rarely add something just because of a gorgeous cover. I had a lot of fun with this post though, and I ended up admiring the beautiful covers on my shelf again too! Do you judge books by their covers? Happy reading and until next time,

~ Anni


  1. Great post, Anni! I loved your picks! "Star Daughter"'s cover was done by an artist whose work I always enjoy, Charlie Bowater! She's done a bunch of stunning covers.

    1. Thanks Alex! Oh that sounds great, I'll habe to check out her other art!
