February 12, 2021

TAG: Books I'll (probably) Never Read

Hey there bookworms,

today I'm doing the Books I'll (probably) Never Read Tag! I just saw Larissa's video of it and decided to do it too! The original tag was created back in 2017 by Marisa on the youtube channel littlespider9! There are five questions in the tag and I'll start right away with the first one!

1. A really hyped book you're not interested in reading?

I'm a huge fan of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas, but I couldn't get into the ACOTAR series, and I have no interest to read her latest book either.

2. A series you won't start/won't be finishing? 

I have no interest in starting the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, and I won't be finishing the Red Rising saga by Pierce Brown. I've read the first 2 books and they just weren't for me, even though I love dystopia/sci-fi.

3. A classic that you're just not interested in? 

Naming a specific book here wouldn't be fair because I'm just not really interested in classics in general. Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, Moby Dick... not interested. The only classic I have read is The Hobbit, and the only one I sort of have an interest in is 1984.

4. Any genres you never read? 

Erotica. I never tried and I never will. I also don't have an interest in non fiction books.

5. A book on your shelves you'll probably never actually read?

 This is a German fantasy book my Mum gifted to me two years ago. It sounded like something I'd read back then, but the longer I've has it, the less interested I got. But well, you should never say never! At least the cover is pretty, and she got it at a book sale, so it wasn't expensive...

This was it for today, and I actually want to tag some people to do this, but of course you don't have to if you don't want! I'm tagging Sue over at Aeppelwoi Meets Astra and Septima from Septima Snape!

Happy reading and until next time,

~ Anni :)


  1. Crescent City is a maybe, maybe not for me...honestly I'll probably end up reading it because FOMO (!!) but I've always thought that if I read ToG/ACOTAR now I wouldn't like them quite as much so...that'll probably apply to this one too

    1. I'll really just check out the reviews for this one since I already wasn't the biggest fan of ACOTAR some years ago. I hope you'll enjoy it if you end up reading it!
