February 2, 2021

How To: Painted Edges

Hey there bookworms,

today I'm here with a little tutorial: How to make painted edges yourself! I love colorful edges and other aesthetic surprises when you take off a book's dust jacket, so a while ago I started to deface my own books. This way, you end up with a personalized copy that also looks super pretty on your bookshelf! It's also super easy and you need only a handful of supplies. Let's get started!

 1. Set up your workspace

Here's what you need:

- something to cover your table (like old newspapers)
- acrylic paint
- paintbrush
- masking tape
- a book (duh...)

2. Protect your book

Carefully wrap your book's edges with tape. Before you tape all around the book, test if the tape comes off easily/without leaving any tear marks by sticking a little piece of tape on the book and gently pulling it off again!

After taping all around the edges, it should look like this!

3. Start painting!

Now the fun begins!
Press the pages together as hard as you can and apply the paint in a thin layer. Pressing the pages together keeps the paint from leaking between them and sticking them together. The tighter the pages are pressed while painting, the easier it'll be to separate them later.


Pressing the pages together by hand can be exhausting, so be sure to make pauses and relax your muscles! Alternatively, you can use a clamp.

You can get creative here! I went for a color gradient for this book that matched the cover. 

You really don't need a lot of paint, since acrylics are very opaque. Also, the thinner you apply the paint, the less time it takes to dry.

4. Separate the pages

When the paint is air dry (mine only takes about 30 seconds) it's time to separate the pages so they don't stick together later. I always let the pages flip over my thumb, but you can also turn them one by one as if reading. This creates a very satisfying noise but takes some time ;)

5. Remove tape

Finally, gently peel off the masking tape. Make sure not to tear it off too fast, as that might damage the book!

And that's it! 

Now you have your very own, personalized painted edges! I think it's a lot of fun (and also something you can easily do during the covid lockdown ;)). I'm very happy with how this book turned out!

What do you think? Have you ever defaced a book or do you want to try? 

Happy reading/painting and until next time,

~ Anni

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