October 7, 2020

Top 5 Wednesday: TL:DR

Hey there bookworms,

I haven't maganed to post anything for the past week, but I wanted to at least post something for today's T5W. Today's topic is TL:DR (Too long; didn't read), and it's about books (or other source material) I haven't read up until today even though I've already seen the movie/tv adaptation. Watching an adaptation before reading the book is often considered a "sin" in the book community, but with some titles, we just can't help it. T5W is a weekly book blogging meme hosted by the official goodreads group where Gabriela is providing us with weekly topics.

 1. The Little Mermaid

Even though this is my all time favorite Disney movie (I don't know how many times I've watched it, and as a kid, I always wanted to be a mermaid with hair and a singing voice as beautiful as Ariel's), I've never read the original tale by Hans Christian Andersen.

I have actually read the first 4 books (the original book series so to say), but not until several years after I'd started watching the tv show. This show is definitely my guilty pleasure and even though I didn't like the last seasons much anymore, I still prefer the show to the books.

I've seen the movie when it was on tv once and initially wanted to read the book too, but now I don't think I will. The movie was very enjoyable, but as for books, it's not really my genre, and I don't feel like I'm missing something. 
I had no idea this movie was even based on a book until I googled "popular movies based on books". Oops! This one too I've seen on tv some years ago and now I found out the book was actually Matthew Quick's debut novel. 
5.  Marvel's The Avengers
Everyone knows the Marvel movies are based on comics, and while I've actually read some of the comics by now, I've never read any of the Avengers comics. I really want to, but I simply don't know where to start. This universe is so huge and confusing, so I think I'll just stick with the movies for now! 
I actually struggled more than expected with this topic - I'm one of these people who usually do read the book first. It was still fun to think about and I came up with some movies I'd totally forgotten about and had no idea they were based on books in the first place. What about you? Have you read any of the source material for the movies I picked? And what are some adaptations you've seen without reading anything first? Until next time,

~ Anni


  1. i forget that silver linings is a book all the time and perks was one of those films that someone pirated around the classroom and the whole class was obsessed with the movie and the book, we had it checked out of the library for months.

    1. I don't even remember how I got to know about Perks lol. And until I wrote this post I had no idea Silver Linings was a book!
