March 4, 2021

Top 5 Wednesday: Star of the Show

Hey there bookworms,
today's T5W topic is about books I'd like to be the main character of! T5W is a weekly book blogging meme currently hosted by Alex (The Scribe Owl). Check out the official goodreads group over here


1. Geekerella by Ashley Poston

I don't read many contemporaries, but this one was the ultimate feel-good-book! It's a Cinderella retelling in which the main character goes to her a first fan convention and enters a cosplay contest!

2. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

Let's be real, I could never get on Kady Grant's level - but I wish I could! A hacker girl with pink hair who has to team up with an insane AI in order to save her people? I love it her!

3. Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan, and it would be the best thing ever to live and train with the Amazons on Themyscira and then go on adventures to help humankind! 

4. Warcross by Marie Lu

I'm not a gamer, but I'd love to experience the world of Warcross! It sounds super creative and exciting!

5. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers

 The main character in this super creative sci-fi novel joins a mismatched spaceship crew to escape from her past and finds a family among all the aliens. This book has such a warm and soft feeling, I'd love to be in it!

That's it for today's post! Have you read any of these books? Happy reading and until next time,

~ Anni


  1. Great picks! I’m a Wonder Woman fan too. Geekerella is on my TBR. I’ll have to get to it one day.

    1. Thanks! How can someone not be a Wonder Woman fan ;) I hope you'll like Geekerella when you read it! I found it super fun and relatable!
